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geek cello

日向夏/茴香 花/茴香 葉
梅酒に近い存在としてイタリアでは広く親しまれており、レモンの皮を使った「リモンチェッロ」がよく知られています。現地イタリアでは各家庭で手造りされることもあったり、食後にスイーツ等と一緒にのんびりと楽しまれています。豊かな時間が流れるイタリアの酒(食)文化を日本にも紹介したい。そんな造り手の想いからはじまったチェッロプロジェクト。伝統的なイタリアでの製法を参考にしながらも、随所に私たちSHINDO LABならではのこだわりの技法が施されています。そうしてでき上がったチェッロ。そのまま飲むのはもちろん、炭酸で割って食中酒として楽しむのもおすすめです。日本ではまだあまり馴染みのない、チェッロという新しい酒体験を堪能できる商品です。


■茴香 葉

■茴香 花
通常、フィノキエットチェッロには「葉」が使われ、まとまった量の確保が難しい「花」を使用することは滅多にありませんが、花のもつ強烈な個性に魅入られて、希少な花のみを贅沢に集めて仕立てました。「geek cello 茴香 葉」は薬草的な香味が特長的なのに対し、「花」では蜜っぽさが引き立ち、違った味わいを楽しんでいただけます。
In Italy, a beverage similar to plum wine is the well-known "Limoncello," which uses lemon peels. Often homemade and enjoyed leisurely with sweets after meals, Limoncello embodies Italy's rich culinary culture. Our Cello Project began with the desire to introduce this aspect of Italian culture to Japan. Drawing inspiration from traditional Italian methods, we have infused our unique SHINDO LAB techniques into the creation of our cello. Enjoy it as is, or mix it with soda as an aperitif. This product offers a new, refreshing drinking experience that is still unfamiliar to many in Japan.

This cello uses the peels of organically grown Hyuganatsu, a citrus fruit from Aya Town in Miyazaki Prefecture, renowned for its organic farming. To enhance the refreshing flavors of Hyuganatsu and black peppermint, we've applied our original techniques to the base spirits and syrup. The result is a cello rich in the refreshing aroma of Hyuganatsu.

■Fennel Leaf
In Italy, cellos made with the leaves of wild fennel, known as "finocchietto," are popular. We use fennel leaves grown by "Eco Farm Asano," a legendary farm in Yachimata City, Chiba Prefecture. The leaves are cultivated both on their farm and in our own fields using seeds provided by Asano. Our unique production method brings out the herbal flavors of the finocchietto leaves.

■Fennel Flower
While finocchietto cellos typically use the leaves, the flowers are rarely used due to their scarcity. However, captivated by the flowers' intense aroma, we have crafted a cello using only these rare flowers. Unlike "Geek Cello Fennel Leaf," which has distinctive herbal notes, the "Fennel Flower" version highlights a honey-like sweetness, offering a different flavor profile for you to enjoy.


FUK / EST.2021