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あまおう(いちご)/ ゆず

■あまおう梅酒 「あまおう、はじめました。」

■ゆず梅酒 「馬路村のゆず、はじめました。」
Our Fruits Umeshu series was born from the desire to create a product that even those who are not fond of alcohol can enjoy. When alcohol is added directly to fruit juice, the alcoholic taste can become overwhelming. To overcome this challenge, we blend fruit juice with umeshu (plum wine) that has already been prepared, resulting in a milder alcohol flavor that is more approachable. At the same time, we have pursued a "luxurious fruitiness" by sourcing select juices from renowned production areas and blending them with our handcrafted umeshu.

■Amaou Umeshu: "We've Started with Amaou."
Amaou strawberries, a premium brand from Fukuoka Prefecture, are known for their rich sweetness. We source Amaou juice specially from the local JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperative) and blend it with our meticulously crafted umeshu to create Amaou Umeshu. This drink features the lavish use of Amaou juice, delivering a rich sweetness that fills your mouth as if you were biting into the strawberry itself. The luscious texture and the perfect harmony of the intense strawberry juice with umeshu can be savored in every sip.

■Yuzu Umeshu: "We've Started with Umajimura Yuzu."
Yuzu from Umajimura in Kochi Prefecture, a region famous for its citrus fruits, is the key ingredient in this blend. We negotiated directly with the Umajimura Agricultural Cooperative to obtain the rights to use their yuzu juice. The yuzu juice from Umajimura, combined with other citrus juices and our handcrafted umeshu, results in Yuzu Umeshu. This drink offers a refined and rich yuzu aroma, with a perfect balance of citrus sweetness and umeshu's tartness.


FUK / EST.2021