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総発酵期間は約1ヵ月。約5ヵ月間のアンフォラ熟成後、ステンレスタンクで熟成していた同じくうきは市産巨峰100%使用の赤ワイン(マセラシオン5日間)と約1:1でブレンドし、2023年4月21日に瓶詰を行いました。巨峰の赤ワインらしい“ライトな味わい”をブレンドの際の基準にしました。瓶詰までに2度の滓引きを行い、瓶詰前のブレンド時に少量の亜硫酸塩を使用しています。野生酵母使用。無濾過、無清澄 。補糖、補酸も一切行っておりません。
This wine is made entirely from Kyoho grapes grown in Ukiha City, Fukuoka Prefecture. During maceration, we performed punch-downs (pigeage) gently and slowly once a day to avoid crushing the grape skins. To prevent the development of volatile acidity, we carefully monitored the carbon dioxide levels in the tank after each pigeage, ensuring that the must's surface remained protected from oxygen even towards the end of fermentation. After 11 days of maceration, the grapes were gently pressed using a basket press, and fermentation was completed in stainless steel tanks. The wine was then aged in amphora for about 5 months.

The total fermentation period was approximately one month. After the amphora aging, the wine was blended in a roughly 1:1 ratio with another red wine made from 100% Kyoho grapes (also from Ukiha City) that had been fermented in stainless steel tanks with a 5-day maceration. Bottling took place on April 21, 2023.The blend aimed to capture the "light flavor" characteristic of red wines made from Kyoho grapes. Before bottling, the wine underwent two rounds of racking, and small amount of sulfur dioxide was added during the final blend.This wine features the use of wild yeast and is unfiltered and unfined. No chaptalization or acidification was performed. Minimal sulfur dioxide was used solely for microbial stability. Enjoy the light and fresh character of this unique red wine, a true reflection of the terroir of Ukiha City.


FUK / EST.2021