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世界一飲みやすいオレンジワインを目指して。SHINDO WINESの巨峰100%オレンジワイン第2弾です。


「ASAHA ORANGE」は、熟度はあるものの色はデラウェアのような、赤みがかった巨峰のみを使用したオレンジワインです。第1弾の「Egalite 2021」は“しっかりとしたオレンジ”を意識して造りましたが、「ASAHA ORANGE」は“クリーンで飲みやすいオレンジ”をイメージしてブレンドを行いました。ブレンド比率は、オレンジワインが4割強、白ワインが6割弱です。白ワインとブレンドすることで、オレンジワインに特有の苦みや渋みを軽減しています。また、香味に深みを表現するために、長期間の醸し発酵を行った赤ワインも隠し味的な要素としてブレンドしています。



"Aiming to Create the World’s Most Drinkable Orange Wine"
This is the second edition of SHINDO WINES' 100% Kyoho grape orange wine.

Kyoho grapes have high water content and relatively light pigments in their skins, making it challenging to achieve a deep purple-red color typical of common red wine varieties, even with prolonged fermentation. However, with a short maceration fermentation, the influence of tannins from the skins is not too strong, resulting in a juicy, delightful, and easy-to-drink orange wine.

ASAHA ORANGE is made exclusively from ripe, slightly reddish Kyoho grapes, similar in color to Delaware grapes. The first edition, Egalite 2021, was made with a focus on "robust orange wine," whereas ASAHA ORANGE was blended with the concept of a "clean and drinkable orange." The blend ratio is slightly over 40% orange wine and just under 60% white wine. By blending with white wine, the bitterness and astringency characteristic of orange wine are softened. Additionally, to add depth to the flavor, a touch of red wine fermented over a long period was also blended.

The orange wine used in the blend was fermented at room temperature for five days in plastic tanks and then pressed and fermented in amphora. The white wine underwent a one-night skin contact before being fermented slowly over three weeks in stainless steel tanks with temperature control. After fermentation, both wines were allowed to settle for two weeks before racking and then aged in stainless steel tanks for six months before bottling.

Bottling took place on April 18, 2023, and the wine has undergone approximately 15 months of bottle aging since then. The resulting orange wine beautifully expresses the warm character of Fukuoka/Kyushu.

Wild yeast. Unfiltered and unfined. No chaptalization or acidification. A minimal amount of sulfites added at bottling.


FUK / EST.2021