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A wine that expresses Kyushu and
can be gulped down in the summer.
2021年より始動した福岡のワイナリー「SHINDO WINES」。
その立ち上げの想いや、第一弾商品である微発泡ワイン「UKIHA BUBBLES」のこだわりを、
篠崎8代目・篠崎 倫明とワインの醸造をつとめる阪本 開が語ります。
"SHINDO WINES" is a winery in Fukuoka that opened in 2021.
Michiaki Shinozaki, the 8th generation Shinozaki owner, and Kai Sakamoto, who is in charge of wine brewing,
talk about the thoughts behind the launch and the attention to detail behind their first product,
the slightly sparkling wine "UKIHA BUBBLES."
篠崎 倫明
Michiaki Shinozuka
大学院卒業後、家業へ。アメリカにおける高峰譲吉博士の偉業を現代に蘇らせた「TAKAMINE KOJI FERMENTED WHISKEY」、樽熟成麦焼酎の吸光度に起因した「リキュール 朝倉」など、既存の概念にとらわれない新しい商品を提案し続ける。
After graduating from graduate school, he joined the family business. He continues to propose new products that go beyond existing concepts, such as "TAKAMINE KOJI FERMENTED WHISKEY," a modern-day revival of the great work of Dr. Jokichi Takamine in America, and "Asakura Liqueur," made from the absorbance of barrel-aged barley shochu.
阪本 開
Kai Sakamoto
16歳で単身ニュージーランドに渡り、高校・大学と勉学に励む。 卒業後、ドイツの大学院で農業と土壌の研究を経て、奈良県の清酒蔵に就職。清酒造りを通して、醸造の世界に入る。2021年より福岡県朝倉市「SHINDO WINES」でワインの醸造を開始。
At the age of 16, he traveled to New Zealand alone and studied at high school and university. After graduating, he studied agriculture and soil at a graduate school in Germany, and then got a job at a sake brewery in Nara Prefecture. Through sake brewing, he entered the world of brewing. In 2021, he started brewing wine at "SHINDO WINES" in Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture.



Pursue originality without
being bound by precedent.

We aim to create wines that are full of creativity and
that are infused with the maker's ideas.
Shinozaki :
I've always had a strong interest in wine since my predecessor, but in recent years, I've been blessed with connections with some great experts, so I finally decided to take on the challenge. Since we were going to do it, we wanted to create a product that demonstrated our unique creativity, so we started the project with Sakamoto. What's needed for a new challenge is the ability to break through and move forward with your own firm beliefs and philosophy without being bound by precedent. Sakamoto has that ability, so I wanted to entrust this project to him.
Sakamoto :
I spent my student years in New Zealand, and in high school I had a part-time job at a restaurant where many customers were enjoying wine, which sparked my interest in wine brewing, and I went on to study at the only university in New Zealand where I could study wine brewing. After graduating, I studied agriculture and soil at a graduate school in Germany, and then returned to Japan for the first time in 10 years to study brewing at a sake brewery. It feels like I've finally come back to my roots: wine.



The first step in launching
the brand was with local ingredients.

The concept was derived from grapes from Ukiha City,
and is "a wine you can gulp down in the summer."
私自身、土壌研究のバックボーンをもっていることもあり、福岡でワインを造るのであれば地元で栽培されているブドウを使ってこの地域の個性を表現したい、という想いからスタートしています。「SHINDO WINES」では、まず第一弾として「UKIHA BUBBLES」という微発泡ワインと、「ASAHA WHITE」という2商品を造ったのですが、どちらもワイナリーのある福岡県朝倉市の隣に位置し、私が住んでいるうきは市のブドウを使っています。通常はワイン用のブドウを使って製造するのですが、温暖湿潤な朝倉・うきはの環境には適さないであろうヨーロッパ系のワイン用ブドウを無理やり栽培するより、地元で昔から栽培されていて、この環境に合っているブドウを使うという想いを貫いています。九州という温暖な土地柄、ブドウが旬を迎えるのは夏です。昼夜の気温差もあまりないので糖度が上がりづらく、それゆえにアルコール度数も低くなる。なおかつ、このあたりのブドウは酸も強すぎないので、そういった特性を活かした「夏にガブガブ飲めるワイン」というコンセプトに至りました。
Sakamoto :
I myself have a background in soil research, so I started out with the idea that if I were to make wine in Fukuoka, I would like to use grapes grown locally to express the individuality of the region. For the first two products of "SHINDO WINES," we made a slightly sparkling wine called "UKIHA BUBBLES" and "ASAHA WHITE." Both products are made using grapes from Ukiha City, where I live, which is located next to Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture, where the winery is located. Normally, wine is made using grapes grown for wine, but rather than forcing ourselves to grow European wine grapes that would not be suitable for the warm and humid environment of Asakura and Ukiha, we stick to our idea of ​​using grapes that have been grown locally for a long time and are suitable for this environment. Due to the warm climate of Kyushu, grapes are in season in the summer. There is not much difference in temperature between day and night, so the sugar content does not increase easily, and therefore the alcohol content is low. Furthermore, the grapes in this area are not too acidic, so we came up with the concept of "a wine that you can gulp down in the summer" by taking advantage of these characteristics.
Shinozaki :
For example, in Kyushu, the humid summer weather lasts for a long period from April to November, so even if we limit the theme to "summer," we feel that we can create opportunities for people to drink it. In addition, we believe that there is ample opportunity to expand the sales area, not just to Japan, but to East Asia, which has a similar climate. Exports to Taiwan have already been decided.



A summer tradition
that will liven up

We hope you will enjoy it casually in any situation.
「UKIHA BUBBLES」は、その名の通り微発泡ワインとしてクラフトビールのような楽しみ方を意識しています。品種としてはキャンベルアーリーと巨峰を使っていて、果汁のみを使うことにこだわり、亜硫酸塩なども使わずにナチュラルな造りを大事にしていいます。また、日本酒造りで学んだ「洗い物」の大切さを意識し、使用する道具の清掃はもちろんワイナリー全体の清掃も丹念に行うなど、ナチュラルな造り方を志向してクリーンな環境での醸造を追求しています。味のほうは、心地の良い酸と泡感が特長で、自然と喉が鳴り、いつの間にかボトルにワインが残っていない、そんなワインです。
Sakamoto :
As the name suggests, UKIHA BUBBLES is a slightly sparkling wine that is meant to be enjoyed like craft beer. It is made from Campbell Early and Kyoho grapes, and is made using only fruit juice, without the use of sulfites or other additives, in a natural way. Also, mindful of the importance of "washing up" that we learned in sake brewing, we carefully clean not only the tools we use but also the entire winery, and strive to make wine in a clean environment with a focus on natural brewing methods. As for the taste, it is characterized by a pleasant acidity and a sense of bubbles, and it naturally gets your throat going, and before you know it, there's no wine left in the bottle.
クラフトビールと聞くと、最近では多種多様なフレーバーがあって好みがわかれるものも多いと思うのですが、この「UKIHA BUBBLES」はそのバランスの良さゆえ、誰が飲んでも美味しいと感じていただけるような仕上がりになっています。アルコール度数も約10度未満なので、まさにガブガブ飲むのに最適だと思います。
Shinozaki :
When you hear the word "craft beer," you probably think of the wide variety of flavors available these days that divide people's tastes, but "UKIHA BUBBLES" is well-balanced, so anyone can enjoy it. The alcohol content is less than 10%, so it's perfect for guzzling down.
Sakamoto :
Personally, I believe that wine enhances communication between people. I want people to enjoy it casually, without any formality, as a way to spend time with friends and family. I hope it will accompany outdoor and casual occasions, such as camping, barbecuing, or after a sauna. I would be extremely happy if the locals also enjoy it and have the image of this wine as a seasonal feature of summer. My dream is for this circle to spread throughout Kyushu, Japan, and the world.



Wine is a tool to express a region.

Use local varieties and pursue manufacturing methods
that bring out the best in them.
今後「SHINDO WINES」では、朝倉市やうきは市のブドウを使った赤ワインやロゼなどの展開を予定しています。さらに、私自身がヨーロッパや第二の故郷のニュージーランドに足を運んで醸造したワインなどもお届けしていきます。一貫して大切にしていきたいのは、それぞれの地域の風土や文化が育んだ、その場所ならではのブドウのみを使い、その土地で醸すこと。そして、その魅力を最大限に引き立たせられる造り方を徹底的に追求することです。地域の魅力の橋渡しを、ワイン造りを通じてできればと思っています。
Sakamoto :
In the future, SHINDO WINES plans to offer red wines and rosés made from grapes from Asakura City and Ukiha City. In addition, I will also be offering wines that I have brewed myself in Europe and my second home of New Zealand. What I want to consistently value is to use only grapes that are unique to each region, nurtured by the climate and culture of that region, and brew them locally. I will also thoroughly pursue winemaking methods that bring out the best in those grapes. I hope to be able to bridge the gap between the charms of each region through winemaking.
Shinozaki :
This is true not only for wine but for all kinds of alcohol, but I believe that something that is infused with the maker's ideas and passion will grow into a brand that will expand its circle of fans. Something that has a brewing philosophy and that you have dedicated your life to will definitely be conveyed to customers. This is the idea behind it, and I feel that this wine is one that has been infused with that soul.
FUK / EST.2021