「geek cello」では、既存の製法にとらわれずに“美味しさ”を追求することにチャレンジしていますが、“美味しさ”という概念自体、すごく曖昧なものだと思います。同じものを口にするとしても場所や環境、体調や気分によっても感じ方はまるっきり変わるし、定義することが難しい。私の考える“美味しさ”というのは、口に入れたときに幸せを感じること。味覚と嗅覚に全意識が集中して、雑念を忘れさせること。それに尽きるかなと思いますね。100人中100人が、いつなんどき口にしても美味しいものなんて絶対に存在しませんし、味にゴールなんてありません。満足してしまうと先には進めないので、挑戦を積み重ねることが大切だと思っています。既に見えている道よりは、わからないほうを手探りで、右にも左にも行きながら進んだほうが、とれる選択肢も多いので。もちろん失敗もついて回りますが、やっぱり自分が楽しみ尽くした先に、納得できる美味しさはあるんじゃないかと思っています。もともと自分自身、幼い頃から食への興味が強く、なんでも面白そうな食材があったら買ってみて調理していたのですが、そうした探究心が今に生きている気がします。それこそ今回のチェッロも、あえて今までなかったような製法を考え、ゼロからトライしていますし。お酒造りの歴史やセオリーを踏まえたうえで、新たな手法をどんどん探っていく姿勢はです。
At "geek cello," we are challenging ourselves to pursue "deliciousness" without being bound by existing manufacturing methods, but I think the concept of "deliciousness" itself is very vague. Even if you eat the same thing, the way you feel it changes completely depending on the place, environment, physical condition, and mood, so it is difficult to define. My idea of "deliciousness" is to feel happy when you put it in your mouth. It is to concentrate all your attention on your taste and smell and forget about other thoughts. I think it all comes down to that. There is absolutely no such thing as something that is delicious for 100 people, no matter when they eat it, and there is no goal in taste. If you are satisfied, you cannot move forward, so I think it is important to keep challenging yourself. There are more options to take if you go left and right, groping your way through the unknown, rather than on a path that you can already see. Of course, there will be failures, but I think that you will find deliciousness that you can be satisfied with after enjoying it to the fullest. I have always had a strong interest in food since I was a child, and I would buy and cook any interesting ingredients I found, and I feel that this inquisitiveness is still alive in me today. That's why, with this Cello, we're trying out a new method of production that has never been done before, starting from scratch. We want to continue to value the attitude of constantly searching for new methods while keeping in mind the history and theory of alcohol brewing.