1986年、静岡県に生まれ転勤にて千葉、福岡で育つ。石川県の高校を卒業後、福岡・中洲のオーセンティックバーへ入社。その後上京しサイタブリア株式会社で6年間勤務。福岡に戻り株式会社アルカディアの結婚式場クアンティック・レストラングランアワーズにて6年間勤務。2018年に休職してシドニーのRockpool Bar & Grillで語学とワインを学ぶ。
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1986, he was transferred to Chiba and grew up in Fukuoka. After graduating from high school in Ishikawa Prefecture, he joined Authentic Bar in Nakasu, Fukuoka. He then moved to Tokyo and worked for Citabria Co., Ltd. for six years. He returned to Fukuoka and worked for Arcadia Co., Ltd.'s wedding venue, Quantic Restaurant Grand Hours, for six years. In 2018, he took a leave of absence to study languages and wine at Rockpool Bar & Grill in Sydney.